For God So Loved Us
Verse 1:
For God so loved us, He sent the Saviour:
For God so loved us, and loves me too.
Love so unending! I’ll sing His praises,
God loves His children, loves even me.
Verse 2:
He sent the Saviour, the blest Redeemer;
He sent the Saviour to set me free.
Love so unending! I’ll sing His praises,
God loves His children, loves even me.
Verse 3:
He bade me welcome, O word of mercy;
He bade me welcome, O voice divine.
Love so unending! I’ll sing His praises,
God loves His children, loves even me.
Verse 4:
He bade me welcome, O word of mercy;
He bade me welcome, O voice divine.
Glory and honour, O Love eternal,
To Him be given while life shall last.