Home Sda Hymnal SDA HYMNAL 214 – We Have This Hope

SDA HYMNAL 214 – We Have This Hope

sda hymnal  we have this hope

We have this hope that burns within hearts,
    Hope in the coming of the Lord.
    We have this faith that Christ alone imparts,
    Faith in the promise of His Word.

We believe the time is here,
    When the nations far and near
    Shall awake, and shout, and sing ~
    Hallelujah! Christ is King!
    We have this hope that burns within our     hearts.
    Hope in the coming of the Lord.


  1. Is it possible to get the words to this hymn in as many languages as possible? I have the English in the hymnal and know the German, as I was in Germany when I learned it, but would appreciate having it in Franch, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Swahili, and any other languages that might be available. Our congregation would enjoy having it in all the languages possible as we are a very enthnically diverse congregation.

  2. PLEASE – will someone respond and tell us why the South Pacific Division says we cannot sing this wonderful hymn in church? They say it is not to be printed out, copied, power-pointed, etc etc, even if we have a CCLI licence.
    What surprises me is that any Christian songwriter doesn’t want to make available to the masses their songs about the One who gave them the gift of songwriting… especially the congregational masses, such as an exemption to show the words on the screens of a church gathering to worship. I understand the need for copyright to protect the integrity of the songs and for royalty reasons in some instances, but to restrict the singing of it seems to defeat the purpose for which the song was written.
    Our church members do not own hymn books – they sent them to the islands after several cyclones. Our church does not own word only books – that would be a huge expense.
    Thank you
    Worship leaders – Margaret and Heather, Brisbane


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